Our Edible Garden: What to Plant Now
After years (seriously) of planning, waiting, hoping for a raised vegetable garden, we finally have one completed in the back yard. The girls and I had so much fun choosing baby plants at the nursery.

Clockwise from the top: asparagus, strawberries, watercress.
While L (almost 2) naps, B and I enjoy being outside getting our hands dirty. We have gotten so far removed from nature with iPad/iPhone/TV stimulation that it feels really good to just sit in the sun and dig in the dirt. I also think it's pretty cool for the girls to get to watch foods that they have only seen in markets growing up from the ground, or planter box in this case.
To prevent the plants from intermingling, we have them separated in beekeeping boxes. We acquired the boxes (okay, our landscaper acquired them) from a local beekeeper who was finished with them. Making a garden is easy, especially if you have a handy husband to nail old wood planks together together for a box. If you have any questions about starting your own garden, please leave them in the comments.
Overnight the plum tree has sprung little white buds and flowers. A sure sign spring is on the way, right?!
The chickens think our garden is a giant salad just for them. We have caught them flying into the raised bed and munching on broccoli leaves. We're now off to the garden store to look for some sort of fencing to make the sides of the box chicken proof.
I can't wait to see how our vegetables grow and start cooking with them. Do you have an edible garden at your house? Perhaps next I'll tackle composting - something I've been too intimidated to try. Any tips?
March Planting Guide
This is a general guide that applies to California and may not work everywhere. Check with your local nursery for information on what to plant in your area.
Plant perennial Artichokes and Strawberries.
There is still time to plant a final crop of cool season veggies: Broccoli, Cabbage, and Peas etc.
Continue to plant Leaf crops, Lettuce, Spinach, Arugula, Chard and other Greens.
Plant Carrots, Beets and Radishes from seed.
Start first crops of Beans, Corn and Summer Squash.
O.K. So you can’t wait! Set out early Tomatoes - Save room for more in April and May!
Wait until April to put in the heat loving Peppers, Eggplant, Cucumber, Melons, and Pumpkin.
Plant all annual and perennial herbs now: Basil, Dill, Oregano, Marjoram; Mint, Savory, Parsley, Sage Rosemary and Thyme.
Keep in Mind: Basil likes warm weather.
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