The Fire Engine Red Table

I was wracking my brain trying to come up with a catchy title for this post, but I just couldn't think of one!  I have mush brain!  I'm back from a week of sun and relaxation in southern Florida and I have to admit I'm having a tough time getting back into the groove!  I spent most of my time lying on a beach bed reading 3 books.  I haven't done that for a long time.  I've only been back not even a full 24 hours so I guess I should give myself some time to acclimate I guess!

The weekend before I went on vacation I went to a tag sale in a town nearby and bought a few small items.  I realize I have a dresser obsession and need to do other non-dresser related items too.  I'm always drawn to dressers and then kind of ignore other pieces.  I guess it's mean of me to play favorites! I honestly think dressers are very versatile pieces of furniture that's why I love them and am drawn to them so much.  One of the smaller items I bought was a little red side table.  I liked the 'bones' of the piece and knew with a bit of work it could be a great little table.

Here's how it looked when I brought it home

I love the sticker,and the scotch tape on the top!  This was obviously in a child's room at some point.  I just noticed all the water in the background!  YEP we drink lots of bottled water around here!

Great lines and bones!

I knew I wanted to strip this table top, but when I saw the pretty wood in the drawer I knew I had made the right choice!

I started stripping the top and realized there were LOTS and LOTS of layers of paint on it.  The stripping process took me a lot longer than I had expected, but the top looked great.  The sides were another story all together.  I didn't strip the sides because I knew I was going to paint the table anyway, BUT when I looked closer at the sides I realized the paint was peeling off.  It was like someone had used the wrong paint or something.  The paint peeled off in weird rubbery sheets.  

Here's the table after tons and tons of sanding.  I used my orbital sander for part of it, but the majority had to be done by hand.

Here's the drawer midway through my hand sanding.  

After all the sanding was done, I stained the table in Kona by Rustoleum, then finished it with a coat of dark Annie Sloan wax.  The rest of the dresser I painted in Annie Sloan Old White.  It's my favorite color and I knew it would pop with the dark top.  

Here's the table with 2 coats of paint and the top finished.

There was a lot of character in the table that I wanted to come out.  I knew that coating the table in dark wax would do just that.  So after my coat of clear wax I put on a coat of dark wax.  I changed up the knob with one I already had and was happy with how it all turned out.  I like how all the grooves in the drawer trim show up now.

Here it is all done.  I bought the FIRE bucket at an estate sale today and decided it was very appropriate to use in the picture since the table had been that color before :-)

I think it looks like a completely different table now.  The character of the piece really shows through with the dark wax.

 Isn't that wood on top GORGEOUS?!!!  

Now all the details on the side of the drawer show up better too.

Even though it was about 1000 degrees in the garage today while I was finishing this piece, it was kinda nice to get back to work on projects.  While I was away I had lots of time to think about what I want to work on next and I have lots and lots of plans.  I spent lots of time reading, relaxing and planning now to put those plans into motion!!   Now I need to find this table a home :-)

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.  It does mean a lot to me and I appreciate and respond to all your comments.  It's a lot easier to comment when you follow me because then I can respond via email and your comment does get 'lost'.    

If anyone has a great stripper they use, and I mean furniture stripper, let me know.  I've tried a couple of different types and I haven't been thrilled with either one.  I do want one that isn't horrible for the environment or for me either!  Let me know if you have any suggestions.

Thank you and have a great rest of the weekend!!


Description: The Fire Engine Red Table
Rating: 4.5
Reviewed by: Unknown
On: 4:30 PM