Master Bedroom Makeover Using Cutting Edge Stencils
We've lived in our new house for four months now. In that four months, I've taken on a lot of projects. I'm so excited to share them with you! Today, I'm SO beyond excited and proud to show you my master bedroom makeover! For the first time in a long time, I have a master bedroom I love and feel really reflects my style as well as the hubby's. It started out as a room we both really didn't like. It had great bones, but the color wasn't calming and it really bothered me every time I was in the room. This meant, I avoided going in the bedroom, unless I was going to sleep. That has all changed! I could spend all day every day in our new bedroom!
Now, when I write makeover....don't get worried thinking we spent tons of money to redo our space. A room makeover doesn't have to cost a fortune. Almost all the furnishings in this room, I bought at estate sales, tag sales or second hand stores then redid them myself. I've saved a lot of money over the last couple of years doing this. The biggest investment we made, was a custom upholstered bed. We had needed a bed for about a year and spent a lot of time contemplating what type of bed frame we wanted. I wanted to make sure whatever we bought, was going to stand the test of time. I didn't want to look at it two years from now and think, "Oh what was I thinking?" So we took our time and found the perfect bed. We custom ordered it from a local furniture store and we were lucky enough to get it for a really great price. The bed is made by Bernhardt.
I have a few pictures of the room before. The first one is from real estate listing for our house. So, the furnishings in the picture aren't ours, but this gives you and idea of what it looked like before.

I'm not against yellow, but there was a lot of yellow in this house. It was a yellow with a green tint and it just didn't do anything but make the room feel huge and cold. This is a really big room and I wanted it to feel warm, cozy and a bit romantic.
The lighting was another issue for me. I'm not a huge fan of ceiling fans. We've already removed one in this house which was in Hunter's bedroom. We were planning on removing this ceiling fan as well as the one in the hubby's office.
We got the room all cleared out and the big stuff pushed into the middle. We decided to go with Dolphin by Benjamin Moore. We had the color matched at Sherwin Williams because we really love their paint and I had a gift card and a coupon for SW! Bonus!! We painted the entire room in two coats of Dolphin in a satin finish. The hubby and I were so amazed at how much we loved the color and what a difference it made in the room. It's a wonderful feeling when you find a color you love and it goes on the walls and blows you away! The room was instantly warmer, calmer and cozier.
I knew what I wanted to do in the room as soon as we bought the house. I wanted a focal wall of some sort behind the bed. I had thought about using a new product called Stikwood, but it was a bit pricey and I wasn't sure if I was willing to make that kind of commitment to a wood wall. I then started looking at wallpapers, but I was afraid of that commitment and price too. Do you see a theme here? Sounds like I have decor commitment issues! I do for sure, so when I found a stencil at Cutting Edge Stencils I was thrilled. I went with the Marrakech Trellis Allover Stencil in size large. I picked a Sherwin Williams color in a satin finish called Creamy to stencil over the Dolphin color.
I was really nervous starting the stencil, but it was very easy. I decided to use a stencil brush and apply the paint instead of a foam roller. This took a lot longer, but I felt I had a lot more control over the paint and the finish.
Here's a terrible iPhone picture of my progress.
It took me about 6 hours over two days to finish the stencil. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and it's not perfect, but it's pretty close. The stencil really gave the room the WOW factor I was hoping for.
Here are a ton of after pictures....and yes, there are LOTS of pictures, but I always hear how people want more pictures....I aim to please!
The nightstands I redid almost 2 years ago. They were purchased at a local antique store for $75 for the pair. The lamps I've had for awhile and were purchased at Home Goods. The mirrors are a few years old and I purchased them at a Canadian store called Home Sense. The picture in between the mirrors I got at a local thrift store for $3. I adore that painting and all I had to do to it was paint the frame with a bit of milk paint.
In this picture you can see the bench, which is actually a coffee table we bought at a furniture store in Canada. It's made out of reclaimed wood. I've always used it as a bench somewhere in our home. The chair in the corner is from Craigslist, as is the little storage ottoman that's in front of the chair. I reupholstered and painted them. The chair and ottoman were $25 together. The rug I found this week at Home Goods.
This is a dresser I painted over a year ago and never wrote a post about it. I painted it right after Miss Mustardseed released her new milk paint line. I painted the dresser in Linen milk paint. Then topped with a coat of hemp oil. The top is actually layered with Aubusson Blue Chalk Paint™ by Annie Sloan and the Linen milk paint. I really like how chippy and crackly the paint got. It wasn't what I had expected, but I love how it turned out.
Here's the layered top. I will do a blog post another time just on the dresser so you can see the before pictures and I can give more details.
I fell in love with this dresser at an estate sale last summer and had to buy the dresser and the vanity that goes with it. The mirror is beautiful and aged. The vanity is still sitting in my basement waiting to be refinished.
In this corner you can see the curtain rods, which I've had in 2 houses. They're from Pottery Barn. The curtains are inexpensive white curtains from IKEA. They were $9.99 for 2 panels. All I had to do to them was hem them and put them on the rings to hang. The chaise lounge we've had for a few years and it's from IKEA. It's called the KIVIK chaise in Teno Light Gray. The lined matchstick blinds were here when we bought the house. I'll write about the art on the wall in a few :-)
The media cabinet is from Crate and Barrel. We use it as a media cabinet and a dresser. The hubby stores some of his clothing in the drawers. We had this in our family room a few houses ago, but replaced it when I refinished a buffet for our family room instead. It works great in here. The mirrors I've had for years and are from Home Sense in Canada.
I am really happy with this chandelier! This was in our eat-in kitchen in this house when we bought it, but it was black wrought iron. I replaced the light fixture this summer with a new light from Home Builders Supply. I already had the shades from an older light fixture on hand. The chandelier I painted with a $4 bottle of silver leafing paint from Michael's (I used my 50% coupon). It was SO easy to do and if you have something you want to transform it's quick. They have other finishes too. All you do is brush it on and let it dry. I didn't even need 2 full coats. Just one coat and some touch ups and I had a brand new light fixture!!
This is my dresser and I bought it from a Facebook tag sale last year and refinished it this summer. I wrote a post on it here. I have thought about selling it off and on, but then I always change my mind. I like all the storage and now I have really fallen in love with the dresser itself. On the top of the dresser I have a collection of mirrors. The white one I painted last year, but I've had it since I was a child. The other two I bought at estate sales. The one in the middle I didn't do anything to, but the one on the left I painted in Coco Chalk Paint™ by Annie Sloan with a touch of Pure White as an accent. There are three small mirrors I bought from the $1 Store and sprayed with gold spray paint. I like how the aged mirrors add depth and light to the room. It's obvious I have a thing for mirrors! Don't get me wrong though I don't like to look at myself in them. I just like the look of them :-)

This is the chair and Ottoman I got from Craigslist for $25. Here you can also see a good picture of the walls and the stencil.
One other thing I really love in this room is this 'art' work hanging on the wall.
They're chargers from Target! I got them after Christmas on sale for $3 each. They're so pretty. They whole thing is made up of beads. They're so pretty and add a bit of bling to the room for a whole $12! To hang them I hot glued onto the back of the charger, the piece of the pop can that you bend to open the can. I'm sure it has a proper name, but I can't think of it. Super easy! Art for your walls doesn't have to be fancy or even art, just use your creativity and pretty much anything can be art....even a charger for your table!
Here's an up close picture of the stencil.
I hope you love this room as much as I do. Since I was a little girl, I've dreamed of being an interior designer. I felt like I was one while I was working on this room. I look at decorating or designing a room like a puzzle. I love putting all the pieced together to make them all fit and flow into a room I can enjoy. Maybe some day when I grow up my dream will come true, but until then I pretend.
When I look at the room and how it all came together, it makes me happy and proud this is our room. It's a nice place to spend some time during the day reading or just cuddling with Hunter or the hubby. Vann, our rescue puppy, is always trying to sneak onto the bed too. However, he's not allowed....hubby's allergic...but how can anyone say no to such a cute face??
Thank you as always for taking the time to read this long post. I know it was extremely picture heavy, but I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any questions, please send me an email or write a comment here on the blog. If you aren't following me on Facebook you can follow me here.
Thank you and have a great week,